SOD of the CoE
2004-12-31 00:10:17 UTC
50041230 viii om Hael Satan!
Tani Jantsang:
# Here is what one of the SRs paying attention had to
# say about you and I conversing:
hey, just like the old days when I'd write to Brendan and he'd get
your responses and type them in! fun!
Tani channels "discordianpirate" <discordianpirate@>:
# | ...CoE, all of them, are hard ego driven like that.
# | Flamboyant. VHEMT not as much, softer.
interesting. my experience has been the reverse, so I'm curious.
# | What he's calling Satan is the anima in animals....
that's the only part of nature that is wild?
note: error regarding "what he's calling" -- rather, I've noticed
that what the demonizers call 'Satan' is some portion of the
natural world which is uncontrolled/undomesticated/ungardenified
the demonization of it IS problematic, as I see it. those who take
this demonizing stance ought relax and guard, try to support and
nurture what might be mistaken for a danger or threat, and cease
the Bogey-use. grappling with this Bogey-use is therefore of some
minor benefit and can help assuage the fears and protect Satan.
# | ...He's saying that the very presence of the eye/brain
# |consciousness drives away the anima....
I never had the idea. humans receive different levels of
# | ...he's not seeing where this type of consciousness has
# | come into being, as an adaptive mechanism. Back on the savanna,
# | brute force wouldn't work and humans who still live on the savanna
# | in their traditional lifestyles are killed by wild animals.
sounds good. my contention is that demonizing religions thereafter
set about identifying their cosmic Adversary as those wild animals
what attacked them, and they don't understand the value of large
predators to the whole biosystem, and so try to wipe them out or
cage and domesticate those 'dangers' (this is already obvious and
many of these larger animals, especially predators, are gone).
# | A lot of the anti-human stuff is aesthetic too. Even a slug or
# | snail has some type of radiant beauty, a perfection.
snails and slugs are my Power Animal! you are very correct here!
# | I can guess that this fellow is lower middle class by
# | upbringing, coming from an area full of ugly working
# | class brutes.
hmm, close, but not quite.
# | Wild nature can be pretty ugly too...maggots eating poop
# | and pooping out poop that used to be something else's poop, etc.
yay for maggots! that's the part I like about HPL-media!
thanks for the comments, Pirate.
#> not my interest any longer. you've sufficiently characterized the SRs as
#> not entirely Satanist (some RCs or lapsed, etc.) and my attention now
#> lies outside your org et al for concentrated Satanism.
Tani Jantsang:
# Yes, I, I, I, have done that. Meanwhile I hear Casey Casey Casey
# saying NO NO NO to what my viewpoint is. Perhaps that's because
# Casey is Scottish and not eastern. I think so.
that's one of the things I like about Satanism -- it primarily does
not appear to be doctrinal (dogmatic, requiring intellectual
conformance). I guess some org-Satanism may add this facet,
or may occasionally use it to dismember irritants.
# You aren't interested in anything regarding SATANISM unless it is the
# preconceived little notion YOU have of Satanism - that much is perfectly
# clear, and not just to me.
you you you -- I'm not interested in your opinion of me.
# Ok, "you CoE folks" as Pirate said.
I don't know many, and am happy to be told reflections of how
CoE folks are all the same. I mean, I've met some of the church
hierarchy, as such, and got ordained as the SOD and everything,
but I don't know all that many of the membership, being a kind
of inspired solitaire operating agent in the Satanist/Neopagan
#># I'd never wrangle with them if they and now their 'hate Tani"
#># fans left me the fuck alone.
#> use your Dark Powers. activate, eliminate! Dalek Llama power!
# LMAO - that kind of thing isn't going to work for something that's
# really THIS trivial.
damn. I'd hoped the Dark Power was practically-advantageous.
# Hmm, never thought of even doing anything like that.
# Do you know that little kids and animals always like me? ...
that would help you in petting zoos. I have a similar experience.
it can be burdensome at times, especially when my vows have me
crawling around on the ground with them rather than stepping up
into furniture with the "grown-ups".
# ...Gee, I wonder why :)
what do you think the explanation might be? how might
this relate to helping you with hassling idiots?
Jerry channelled by Tani:
%| Translation - a person with PREconceived small ideas of what
%| Satan is, doesn't want to know what ELSE Satan is.
curious. I already described the ultimate category as inclusive
of anything people might think of and I accepted it as legitimate.
my comments, Jerry, were about the Via Negativa-Tani language
comparison/contrast. I have no investment in perpetuating that
comparison, merely reflected it for a moment. if you have an
abiding interest in talking about Christian contemplatives, then
maybe Tani can channel you over at alt.religion.christian a bit.
you seem worse at 'translating' for me than Tani is.
#># Do you understand what he said here?
#> didn't read it. my focus has returned to Satanism, sorry.
%| Bobo doesn't know when the subject of Big Satan
Jerry, what is "the subject of Big Satan" and what does it include?
%| is under his nose. Bobo wants Satan to be only what he
%| imagines it is.
I ignored Tani after she tried speaking for me. you're not doing
any better here. try telling us something that you think/value.
besides this, I've already explained that I don't try to project
my understandings atop others, though with demonizers sometimes
I look to see what they are demonizing and correctly identify
them so we (and more importantly Satan) might benefit thereby.
#># ...I didn't say it was being posted to a cesspool newsgroup....
#># forgot to mention that).
#> your characterizations don't inspire me to spend much time
#> conversing with you.
# You don't converse with people. You talk AT them.
you you you. final warning on that one. I've killfiled for less.
# ...SMART humans are the ones that tune into that DAIMONIC kind
# of insight - and who are additionally able to MAKE MANIFEST
# that insight
please do, ASAP! hm, what if someone has delusions of grandeur
about doing so? is there some way to demonstrate their error?
# - that are in touch with something that I think ANYONE would
# call the Ultimate Satan, no matter what religion they are -
this seems ridiculous on its face, but I'll entertain it a while.
my hit on Satan is that SHe appears to people as SHe wants to,
and that might seem like an "Ultimate" to you, and a "relative"
to me. I try to remain neutral, acknowledge my alliance with the
Shaitan as I know Hir, and interpret your Ultimate as either
a) a good-natured interest in getting to the Bottom
of Things, metaphorically, and telling us what
you see at the Back of the Masks;
or b) a contentious attempt to have the Final Word on
the matter and tell us what Satan *really* is.
in the case of a), I welcome your reflections and hope that you
aren't expecting me to confirm them as such ultimates. in the
case of b), I've noticed that some religious do this, and that
a Satanist might do this is amusing to me, becoming my adversary.
# and that would be the Ob. That's the darkness that never got
# infused into all things that emanated from the Light. It's
# also destructive. So these nice things sprung from Daimonic
# insight - seem nice - but are they beneficial in the LONG
# term? Heh.
To completely overthrow mystically-oriented religions,
Satanists choose active opposition.
Anton Szandor Lavey,
quoted in "The Church of Satan",
by Blanche Barton,
Hell's Kitchen Productions, 1991; p. 79.
I think this may be the perfect response to such mystical-
sounding contention. do you disagree with this substantially?
#> no, I saw what was of interest to me online already, thanks.
%| translation: Bobo has hands over eyes, hands over ears, hands
%| over mouth, he sees, hears and speaks "no evil."
it's TRUE! acknowledging no 'evil', I cannot see/hear/speak it.
%| Bobo looks for what he already knows, blocking out the whole
%| rest about SATAN that he does not now.
quotations demonstrating this? point me to your definitive,
concise, exact-and-only-from-Satanists description of what
Satan and Satanism is, Jerry, thanks.
# I think the ideas of Satan you seem to focus on
which ones? sometimes I've explained that Western religious seem
to be consistent in their demonizing contentions, and to this
extent it has required a familiarity with Middle-Eastern and
Western religions, especially their anti-God ideas (primarily
splinters from what they used to incorporate into their God).
# are purely western - and I can't really relate to that Bobo....
oh that's ok. I don't require you to relate to whatever you're
talking about.
# my viewpoint is that Satan IS Mahakala or the Abyssal Thatness.
keen! I got that! not sure it means much to equate 'Eastern' and
'Western' religious notions. syncretists and mistaken religious
compilers have done that for centuries. it seems to me that what
you are talking about does, typically, have a contextual
cosmology. are you familiar with those which apply to Mahakala
or to wherever 'Eastern' you think 'Abyssal Thatness' comes from?
# ...Sri Kala Chakra is something I have in my kitchen right now
# - I mean a picture of it (the one on the GoD website I put there).
yeah, we've got a great one on the Mojo Car. all fangy and holding
the Wheel of Samsara and everything. I like Mahakala/Sri Kala Chakra.
# It's kinda hard for me to relate to that as Satan in the Western
# sense
yeah, I can imagine. just think about all those 'Satan' names that
are in "The Satanic Bible" that are gods and anti-gods of a number
of cultures. they even put Siva and some less wrathful deities in
that list. it's funny what those of the West do with Eastern gods.
personally, I don't think such 'translations' are usually helpful,
but if they serve those struggling to deal with the dualism, great.
# when that is our GOD and not considered adverse to anything or
# evil or any of that. The only way I ever got a glimpse of that
# was when OTHERS saw it in temple and said "that's the devil."
yes, your expression here is very valuable. JBRussell covers some
of the high points in his history of concepts, and in particular
the history of the personification of evil through time. he is
clear that some valences of some culture's gods cannot be admitted
by the worshippers and so, in his estimation, the dualism erupts,
and an anti-god is created to hold the parts of the divinity which
cannot be accepted or admitted by the faithful. it's a neato theory.
# ...what Christian Satanists relate to is the "thou shalt not" stuff
# - with satan being "go ahead and do it." ....
yeah, James R. Lewis mentions the prevalence of Christian backgrounds
and the reactionary license established by some Satanisms. I quite
agree that it isn't easy to understand if one hasn't really been
raised in that environment. I haven't, so I see your point. in part
I'm a kind of gate-keeper or mirroring guardian to the Eternal,
so that comes off to different people in different ways.
# ...just don't even try to say who is or is not a Satanist from your
# own viewpoint.
I might, but I don't usually do that. I have a general description of
what I can recognize as such (to which I pointed you before -- what
takes the form of 'Satanism is...' from a first-person perspective
and 'Satan is...' from a positive regard in some alliance or pact.
beyond that, *what* Satan is, exactly, seems to vary quite a bit,
which I find valuable. this is, in part, why I like the notion of
the proliferation of alt.satanism FAQs. I think that diversity and
an explosion of knowledge categories is helpful to Satan in some way.
# Gee, everyone paying attention in the SR must be mind readers :)
# You did not "correct" a thing I said about biology....
nor would I wish to. :> that discussion isn't one I'm interested in
as a whole. having received the revelation that the Bogey of the
Western religious is a natural uncontrolled shifting target, whose
personification may or may not relate to anything intelligent, I'm
content to move on to identify the *real* object to which Satanists
relate. your discussion of biology with me is therefore so much of
a tangent that I have nothing to say in response. this truly isn't
a biology newsgroup and your Satan isn't the same as Christian or
Muslim Satans, so you're confusing too many things together here.
# ...There are certain things MAN does that are completely outside
# "the flesh" for man to know or do....
that's something in which I don't believe, but I don't require
that you take the same attitude or cease your beliefs in it.
that said, since you don't abide dogmas, tomorrow you may not
believe in it any more. your expression appears to change as
it should if your lack of adherence to dogmas is as you say.
#> ...desire to randomly knock
#> out 3 billion people. bunches in the Church of Euthanasia have similar
#> ideas, but the church is consensually-based, non-coercive, so these
#> ideas are not church policy, just discussed. this is to what I'd
#> previously referred when speaking with you about the CoS and its
#> publications including fascism discussions despite the fact that
#> few in the org admin actually supported the notion.
# Heh heh - SO THEY SAY. Of course they'd SAY that, silly! The other day a
# Swedish member of their org came along and said "they have not changed" and
# I think he might quit them, from what he said. The thing is, when a tiny
# little weak animal like the ones on URL I pointed to on animal intelligence
# and more - can usurp the very instinct for life in predator animals and muck
# up their instinct to even reproduct - then the "strong" does not necessarily
# "rule" over the "weak" at all.
I don't see how any of this relates.
# It's the TYPE OF PERSON that goes off on
# that kind of rhetoric that we avoid. A wise man who is also very very
# strong, KNOWS that the weakest thing can lay him low, and therefore doesn't
# come all boom bang bash with booming loud rhetoric like that.
reasonable, again I don't know how this relates to the CoE. you are talking
about those who want to wipe out 3 billion people, I gather, and who don't,
I guess, understand the weak vectors (such as disease) which may facilitate?
# Above all, we at SR regard the Satan
in different ways, given that that which ties you together doesn't pertain
to how you regard the Satan. if this is untrue, then explain where there
are SR Statements About What Satan is and post some excerpts here.
# as something VERY QUIET, not loud and bombastic like that.
excellent. I like Asian/Indian notions of quiet power. martial arts
at times have instructions about this. tigers and more.
#> .... the issue is always who will
#> be administering it and how will they remain unbiased. that said, I don't
#> see many other solutions manifesting themselves in the near future other
#> than what I'm suggesting we do as a whole along with the CoE.
# The CoE has no ability or power to do any of those things....
completely agreed. nor would I wish it to.
# ...there are people that agree with Cat - and they DO have power.
of course. many of my partners have so agreed. I was the more extreme in
terms of my alliances but they were the more extreme in terms of their
values as regards ungrounded desires.
# was AIDS invented in a lab? What the ebola outbreak an
# experiment and not an accident? I really don't know.
no idea. try some politics or conspiracy newsgroup.
# They are, imo, AMAZING animals.
agreed completely. sometimes I've referred to them as 'Evil Bugs',
completely in jest and on account of the attitude I've seen around
me which demonized insects such as ants. I have enjoyed playing
and battling with them a bit. now I have a convivial relationship,
in general, with the nests to which I live proximate. sometimes in
the winter they come in for dryness, or water or grease or sugar,
but they do prefer the orchard I think.
#># This forum is the ghetto.
#> the more you say this, the less I read of your material. badly
#> characterizing me and the forum isn't conducive to continuing
#> our chat.
# You are also posting to a ghetto, perhaps your killfiles
# disenable you from seeing it.
your interest is in terminating our chat, I gather.
#> barely reading your material now. if you don't want me telling you how
#> you are a sock-user, then reconsider this tendency of yours to belittle.
# ...When I say I KNOW SO LITTLE about cars....
you're speaking from within you. your authority with respect to your
knowledge is, to me, rather sovereign. I can accept as "FACT" what
you tell me about yourself. when you start to tell me what is a
"FACT" about me, however, it is unwelcome. that's my point. you're
not sufficiently close to me to make those kinds of assessments.
the medium of cyberspace prevents this type of mind-reading.
# ...When I say I'm a computer moron (well, less of a moron these
# days)....
my perception confirms this. as I see it, that's the best that I'm
going to be able to do -- confirm or deny reports from you about you.
same is true, as I see it, about you. the best that you'll be able
to do with me is confirm or deny that my expression and behaviour
reflects accurately on reports I provide about me. all the other
assertions about one another are guesses, insults, shots in dark.
# You don't want to know about the WONDERS of truly wild nature. OK.
like this.
boboroshi at-sign Satanic Outreach Director
Church of Euthanasia:
Ninth Scholar's Library (Satanism Archive):
Tani Jantsang:
# Here is what one of the SRs paying attention had to
# say about you and I conversing:
hey, just like the old days when I'd write to Brendan and he'd get
your responses and type them in! fun!
Tani channels "discordianpirate" <discordianpirate@>:
# | ...CoE, all of them, are hard ego driven like that.
# | Flamboyant. VHEMT not as much, softer.
interesting. my experience has been the reverse, so I'm curious.
# | What he's calling Satan is the anima in animals....
that's the only part of nature that is wild?
note: error regarding "what he's calling" -- rather, I've noticed
that what the demonizers call 'Satan' is some portion of the
natural world which is uncontrolled/undomesticated/ungardenified
the demonization of it IS problematic, as I see it. those who take
this demonizing stance ought relax and guard, try to support and
nurture what might be mistaken for a danger or threat, and cease
the Bogey-use. grappling with this Bogey-use is therefore of some
minor benefit and can help assuage the fears and protect Satan.
# | ...He's saying that the very presence of the eye/brain
# |consciousness drives away the anima....
I never had the idea. humans receive different levels of
# | ...he's not seeing where this type of consciousness has
# | come into being, as an adaptive mechanism. Back on the savanna,
# | brute force wouldn't work and humans who still live on the savanna
# | in their traditional lifestyles are killed by wild animals.
sounds good. my contention is that demonizing religions thereafter
set about identifying their cosmic Adversary as those wild animals
what attacked them, and they don't understand the value of large
predators to the whole biosystem, and so try to wipe them out or
cage and domesticate those 'dangers' (this is already obvious and
many of these larger animals, especially predators, are gone).
# | A lot of the anti-human stuff is aesthetic too. Even a slug or
# | snail has some type of radiant beauty, a perfection.
snails and slugs are my Power Animal! you are very correct here!
# | I can guess that this fellow is lower middle class by
# | upbringing, coming from an area full of ugly working
# | class brutes.
hmm, close, but not quite.
# | Wild nature can be pretty ugly too...maggots eating poop
# | and pooping out poop that used to be something else's poop, etc.
yay for maggots! that's the part I like about HPL-media!
thanks for the comments, Pirate.
#> not my interest any longer. you've sufficiently characterized the SRs as
#> not entirely Satanist (some RCs or lapsed, etc.) and my attention now
#> lies outside your org et al for concentrated Satanism.
Tani Jantsang:
# Yes, I, I, I, have done that. Meanwhile I hear Casey Casey Casey
# saying NO NO NO to what my viewpoint is. Perhaps that's because
# Casey is Scottish and not eastern. I think so.
that's one of the things I like about Satanism -- it primarily does
not appear to be doctrinal (dogmatic, requiring intellectual
conformance). I guess some org-Satanism may add this facet,
or may occasionally use it to dismember irritants.
# You aren't interested in anything regarding SATANISM unless it is the
# preconceived little notion YOU have of Satanism - that much is perfectly
# clear, and not just to me.
you you you -- I'm not interested in your opinion of me.
# Ok, "you CoE folks" as Pirate said.
I don't know many, and am happy to be told reflections of how
CoE folks are all the same. I mean, I've met some of the church
hierarchy, as such, and got ordained as the SOD and everything,
but I don't know all that many of the membership, being a kind
of inspired solitaire operating agent in the Satanist/Neopagan
#># I'd never wrangle with them if they and now their 'hate Tani"
#># fans left me the fuck alone.
#> use your Dark Powers. activate, eliminate! Dalek Llama power!
# LMAO - that kind of thing isn't going to work for something that's
# really THIS trivial.
damn. I'd hoped the Dark Power was practically-advantageous.
# Hmm, never thought of even doing anything like that.
# Do you know that little kids and animals always like me? ...
that would help you in petting zoos. I have a similar experience.
it can be burdensome at times, especially when my vows have me
crawling around on the ground with them rather than stepping up
into furniture with the "grown-ups".
# ...Gee, I wonder why :)
what do you think the explanation might be? how might
this relate to helping you with hassling idiots?
Jerry channelled by Tani:
%| Translation - a person with PREconceived small ideas of what
%| Satan is, doesn't want to know what ELSE Satan is.
curious. I already described the ultimate category as inclusive
of anything people might think of and I accepted it as legitimate.
my comments, Jerry, were about the Via Negativa-Tani language
comparison/contrast. I have no investment in perpetuating that
comparison, merely reflected it for a moment. if you have an
abiding interest in talking about Christian contemplatives, then
maybe Tani can channel you over at alt.religion.christian a bit.
you seem worse at 'translating' for me than Tani is.
#># Do you understand what he said here?
#> didn't read it. my focus has returned to Satanism, sorry.
%| Bobo doesn't know when the subject of Big Satan
Jerry, what is "the subject of Big Satan" and what does it include?
%| is under his nose. Bobo wants Satan to be only what he
%| imagines it is.
I ignored Tani after she tried speaking for me. you're not doing
any better here. try telling us something that you think/value.
besides this, I've already explained that I don't try to project
my understandings atop others, though with demonizers sometimes
I look to see what they are demonizing and correctly identify
them so we (and more importantly Satan) might benefit thereby.
#># ...I didn't say it was being posted to a cesspool newsgroup....
#># forgot to mention that).
#> your characterizations don't inspire me to spend much time
#> conversing with you.
# You don't converse with people. You talk AT them.
you you you. final warning on that one. I've killfiled for less.
# ...SMART humans are the ones that tune into that DAIMONIC kind
# of insight - and who are additionally able to MAKE MANIFEST
# that insight
please do, ASAP! hm, what if someone has delusions of grandeur
about doing so? is there some way to demonstrate their error?
# - that are in touch with something that I think ANYONE would
# call the Ultimate Satan, no matter what religion they are -
this seems ridiculous on its face, but I'll entertain it a while.
my hit on Satan is that SHe appears to people as SHe wants to,
and that might seem like an "Ultimate" to you, and a "relative"
to me. I try to remain neutral, acknowledge my alliance with the
Shaitan as I know Hir, and interpret your Ultimate as either
a) a good-natured interest in getting to the Bottom
of Things, metaphorically, and telling us what
you see at the Back of the Masks;
or b) a contentious attempt to have the Final Word on
the matter and tell us what Satan *really* is.
in the case of a), I welcome your reflections and hope that you
aren't expecting me to confirm them as such ultimates. in the
case of b), I've noticed that some religious do this, and that
a Satanist might do this is amusing to me, becoming my adversary.
# and that would be the Ob. That's the darkness that never got
# infused into all things that emanated from the Light. It's
# also destructive. So these nice things sprung from Daimonic
# insight - seem nice - but are they beneficial in the LONG
# term? Heh.
To completely overthrow mystically-oriented religions,
Satanists choose active opposition.
Anton Szandor Lavey,
quoted in "The Church of Satan",
by Blanche Barton,
Hell's Kitchen Productions, 1991; p. 79.
I think this may be the perfect response to such mystical-
sounding contention. do you disagree with this substantially?
#> no, I saw what was of interest to me online already, thanks.
%| translation: Bobo has hands over eyes, hands over ears, hands
%| over mouth, he sees, hears and speaks "no evil."
it's TRUE! acknowledging no 'evil', I cannot see/hear/speak it.
%| Bobo looks for what he already knows, blocking out the whole
%| rest about SATAN that he does not now.
quotations demonstrating this? point me to your definitive,
concise, exact-and-only-from-Satanists description of what
Satan and Satanism is, Jerry, thanks.
# I think the ideas of Satan you seem to focus on
which ones? sometimes I've explained that Western religious seem
to be consistent in their demonizing contentions, and to this
extent it has required a familiarity with Middle-Eastern and
Western religions, especially their anti-God ideas (primarily
splinters from what they used to incorporate into their God).
# are purely western - and I can't really relate to that Bobo....
oh that's ok. I don't require you to relate to whatever you're
talking about.
# my viewpoint is that Satan IS Mahakala or the Abyssal Thatness.
keen! I got that! not sure it means much to equate 'Eastern' and
'Western' religious notions. syncretists and mistaken religious
compilers have done that for centuries. it seems to me that what
you are talking about does, typically, have a contextual
cosmology. are you familiar with those which apply to Mahakala
or to wherever 'Eastern' you think 'Abyssal Thatness' comes from?
# ...Sri Kala Chakra is something I have in my kitchen right now
# - I mean a picture of it (the one on the GoD website I put there).
yeah, we've got a great one on the Mojo Car. all fangy and holding
the Wheel of Samsara and everything. I like Mahakala/Sri Kala Chakra.
# It's kinda hard for me to relate to that as Satan in the Western
# sense
yeah, I can imagine. just think about all those 'Satan' names that
are in "The Satanic Bible" that are gods and anti-gods of a number
of cultures. they even put Siva and some less wrathful deities in
that list. it's funny what those of the West do with Eastern gods.
personally, I don't think such 'translations' are usually helpful,
but if they serve those struggling to deal with the dualism, great.
# when that is our GOD and not considered adverse to anything or
# evil or any of that. The only way I ever got a glimpse of that
# was when OTHERS saw it in temple and said "that's the devil."
yes, your expression here is very valuable. JBRussell covers some
of the high points in his history of concepts, and in particular
the history of the personification of evil through time. he is
clear that some valences of some culture's gods cannot be admitted
by the worshippers and so, in his estimation, the dualism erupts,
and an anti-god is created to hold the parts of the divinity which
cannot be accepted or admitted by the faithful. it's a neato theory.
# ...what Christian Satanists relate to is the "thou shalt not" stuff
# - with satan being "go ahead and do it." ....
yeah, James R. Lewis mentions the prevalence of Christian backgrounds
and the reactionary license established by some Satanisms. I quite
agree that it isn't easy to understand if one hasn't really been
raised in that environment. I haven't, so I see your point. in part
I'm a kind of gate-keeper or mirroring guardian to the Eternal,
so that comes off to different people in different ways.
# ...just don't even try to say who is or is not a Satanist from your
# own viewpoint.
I might, but I don't usually do that. I have a general description of
what I can recognize as such (to which I pointed you before -- what
takes the form of 'Satanism is...' from a first-person perspective
and 'Satan is...' from a positive regard in some alliance or pact.
beyond that, *what* Satan is, exactly, seems to vary quite a bit,
which I find valuable. this is, in part, why I like the notion of
the proliferation of alt.satanism FAQs. I think that diversity and
an explosion of knowledge categories is helpful to Satan in some way.
# Gee, everyone paying attention in the SR must be mind readers :)
# You did not "correct" a thing I said about biology....
nor would I wish to. :> that discussion isn't one I'm interested in
as a whole. having received the revelation that the Bogey of the
Western religious is a natural uncontrolled shifting target, whose
personification may or may not relate to anything intelligent, I'm
content to move on to identify the *real* object to which Satanists
relate. your discussion of biology with me is therefore so much of
a tangent that I have nothing to say in response. this truly isn't
a biology newsgroup and your Satan isn't the same as Christian or
Muslim Satans, so you're confusing too many things together here.
# ...There are certain things MAN does that are completely outside
# "the flesh" for man to know or do....
that's something in which I don't believe, but I don't require
that you take the same attitude or cease your beliefs in it.
that said, since you don't abide dogmas, tomorrow you may not
believe in it any more. your expression appears to change as
it should if your lack of adherence to dogmas is as you say.
#> ...desire to randomly knock
#> out 3 billion people. bunches in the Church of Euthanasia have similar
#> ideas, but the church is consensually-based, non-coercive, so these
#> ideas are not church policy, just discussed. this is to what I'd
#> previously referred when speaking with you about the CoS and its
#> publications including fascism discussions despite the fact that
#> few in the org admin actually supported the notion.
# Heh heh - SO THEY SAY. Of course they'd SAY that, silly! The other day a
# Swedish member of their org came along and said "they have not changed" and
# I think he might quit them, from what he said. The thing is, when a tiny
# little weak animal like the ones on URL I pointed to on animal intelligence
# and more - can usurp the very instinct for life in predator animals and muck
# up their instinct to even reproduct - then the "strong" does not necessarily
# "rule" over the "weak" at all.
I don't see how any of this relates.
# It's the TYPE OF PERSON that goes off on
# that kind of rhetoric that we avoid. A wise man who is also very very
# strong, KNOWS that the weakest thing can lay him low, and therefore doesn't
# come all boom bang bash with booming loud rhetoric like that.
reasonable, again I don't know how this relates to the CoE. you are talking
about those who want to wipe out 3 billion people, I gather, and who don't,
I guess, understand the weak vectors (such as disease) which may facilitate?
# Above all, we at SR regard the Satan
in different ways, given that that which ties you together doesn't pertain
to how you regard the Satan. if this is untrue, then explain where there
are SR Statements About What Satan is and post some excerpts here.
# as something VERY QUIET, not loud and bombastic like that.
excellent. I like Asian/Indian notions of quiet power. martial arts
at times have instructions about this. tigers and more.
#> .... the issue is always who will
#> be administering it and how will they remain unbiased. that said, I don't
#> see many other solutions manifesting themselves in the near future other
#> than what I'm suggesting we do as a whole along with the CoE.
# The CoE has no ability or power to do any of those things....
completely agreed. nor would I wish it to.
# ...there are people that agree with Cat - and they DO have power.
of course. many of my partners have so agreed. I was the more extreme in
terms of my alliances but they were the more extreme in terms of their
values as regards ungrounded desires.
# was AIDS invented in a lab? What the ebola outbreak an
# experiment and not an accident? I really don't know.
no idea. try some politics or conspiracy newsgroup.
# They are, imo, AMAZING animals.
agreed completely. sometimes I've referred to them as 'Evil Bugs',
completely in jest and on account of the attitude I've seen around
me which demonized insects such as ants. I have enjoyed playing
and battling with them a bit. now I have a convivial relationship,
in general, with the nests to which I live proximate. sometimes in
the winter they come in for dryness, or water or grease or sugar,
but they do prefer the orchard I think.
#># This forum is the ghetto.
#> the more you say this, the less I read of your material. badly
#> characterizing me and the forum isn't conducive to continuing
#> our chat.
# You are also posting to a ghetto, perhaps your killfiles
# disenable you from seeing it.
your interest is in terminating our chat, I gather.
#> barely reading your material now. if you don't want me telling you how
#> you are a sock-user, then reconsider this tendency of yours to belittle.
# ...When I say I KNOW SO LITTLE about cars....
you're speaking from within you. your authority with respect to your
knowledge is, to me, rather sovereign. I can accept as "FACT" what
you tell me about yourself. when you start to tell me what is a
"FACT" about me, however, it is unwelcome. that's my point. you're
not sufficiently close to me to make those kinds of assessments.
the medium of cyberspace prevents this type of mind-reading.
# ...When I say I'm a computer moron (well, less of a moron these
# days)....
my perception confirms this. as I see it, that's the best that I'm
going to be able to do -- confirm or deny reports from you about you.
same is true, as I see it, about you. the best that you'll be able
to do with me is confirm or deny that my expression and behaviour
reflects accurately on reports I provide about me. all the other
assertions about one another are guesses, insults, shots in dark.
# You don't want to know about the WONDERS of truly wild nature. OK.
like this.
boboroshi at-sign Satanic Outreach Director
Church of Euthanasia:
Ninth Scholar's Library (Satanism Archive):