SOD of the CoE
2004-12-21 01:57:26 UTC
50041220 viii om
"user" <***>:
# I grew up seeing divisions and splits it churches. People would
# always disagree and end up going to other churches or starting their
# own little groups that eventually grew into churches.
the frequency of this probably reflects in some measure the power
associated with the authority of the individual in the cult.
# I have chosen
# the path of Satanism - Levay's version,
then get his name right, it is Anton Szandor LaVey.
# yet I have seen the same divisions hit the followers of Levay.
not comparable exactly. 'followers of LaVey' would not be easily
seen just by observing those who were or have at one time been
members of the Church of Satan, primarily because this church is
easy to get into (fill out a simple form, send the $, then steer
clear of the admin's clique-dar).
# First, I recommend a democracy instead of a monarchy.
are LaVeyans advocating monarchy with some of their people in
charge? no doubt. there's a 'Social Darwinist' fetish bandied.
# Second, I suggest reading Robert's Rules of
# Order that was established by a guy in the military.
LOL! good suggestion. instead of a democracy why not anarchism?
# Finally, we need new books on Satanism.
agreed. how will you determine that it is Satanism? what if
it doesn't conform with what LaVey's CoSatanism preaches?
will it demonstrate itself corrupt and false?
# There are many gifted and talented members of your groups who
# could develop new and maybe better books on the topics.
quite so.
# So how do you do it? E.g. the Church of Satan should have a book
# endorsement program.
there is something of this sort in 'Recommended Reading' in
such documents as HPaulis' CoS FAQ. the ToS had very wonderful
book reviews from MAquino's particularly-slanted perspective;
well worth examination.
# They should have some type of stamp on the
# Author's book that shows the public that the members of the Church of
# Satan, for example, have read and approved the book as legitimate
# Church of Satan literature.
oh in terms of CoSatanic literature, that's usually published by
Hell's Kitchen or some Talonoid house. you can pretty much boil
it down to books by LaVey and family (incl. Barton/kids).
# Wouldn't be cool to see Karla, Blanch, and everyone else band together
# to kick ass in 2004 and beyond. Fuck money and politics! We are being
# filtered out of society by weak minded zombies of Jesus and JC Pennys!
LOL! please point to where this 'filtration out of society' is happening.
# Maybe this is all a stupid idea, but Levay's ideas aren't dead to me.
they seem very important to a good many cultists.
# Anyway, who gives a shit if he lied about his past? PERFECT! If that
# is what got him to the top then GREAT! Why have you nitpicking idiots
# disected him to death? Didn't his ideas influence you in the first
# place? That is what matters... Why not replace that nitpicking energy
# with being a SATANIST?
generally the issue is hypocrisy and measurement of the man with what the
man expresses as worthy ideals. if he doesn't live by them himself, then
his hypocrisy doesn't help his catcalls against hypocrisy/stupidity much.
# I am tired of Christian bullies!
there's also sufficient Satanist bullies to go around. didn't you hear
all the horror stories from Tani&Co about slander and slams and online
bullying and internal CoS-bullying? doesn't the Bogey do bullying too?
# Satanism proves how intolerant
# Christians or Conservative Cows become when confronted with someone
# exercising their religous freedom to say, "I love Satan!!" or freedom
# to think for themselves and reject the myth of christ.
when 'Satan' appears to be the anti-God it is also evident how stupid
this love for Satan can seem.
# If there is "Freedom of Religion" then why can't I say, "I love the
# Devil" without being attacked and bullied by white light religious
# followers.
'freedom of religion' only applies within certain states or
jurisdictions. it doesn't guarantee that you will not be
protested or that you won't hear complaints about your religion,
only that you may practice it in the privacy of your own temple,
home, or bathroom, without unnecessary interruptions by detractors.
# Why can't I go around with a pentagram around my neck
# without being afraid of some God loving, jock, fascist, bully kicking
# my ass?
your fear is your own problem. perhaps you should consider the
context in which you are living and ask yourself why you have
this fear.
# Yeah, you know how they are all such "Good Boys" and "Right"
# like us who "Ain't Right". Satanism shows the intolerance of this
so to do the Bad Religion shows up the falsity of this supposed
toleration of religious diversity, inclusive tolerance.
# I am not a terrorist because I wear a pentagram!
witches say the same.
# Christianity is a weak minded bully's fascism! ....
more ignorance spewed about religion mixing in politics.
# Tons of Preachers on
# T.V., but how many Sunday Buddhist, Islam, Wiccan, or any other
# religous programs.
probably in some measure depends on
* whether you get Cable TV
* whether TV is important to you
* where you are viewing your mind-numbing programming
# Fuck religion anyway.
that is the general attitude which Satanists give out, yes.
# It is a control device for weak people who need control.
does this mean that some Satanists need this control too?
# Don't curse around me because I am Christian....
speak for yourself and get off your anti-Christian bashing.
# ...I say separation of church and state or move to Iraq!
not everyone lives in your hallowed USA.
blessed beast!
boboroshi at-sign Satanic Outreach Director
Church of Euthanasia:
Ninth Scholar's Library (Satanism Archive):
"user" <***>:
# I grew up seeing divisions and splits it churches. People would
# always disagree and end up going to other churches or starting their
# own little groups that eventually grew into churches.
the frequency of this probably reflects in some measure the power
associated with the authority of the individual in the cult.
# I have chosen
# the path of Satanism - Levay's version,
then get his name right, it is Anton Szandor LaVey.
# yet I have seen the same divisions hit the followers of Levay.
not comparable exactly. 'followers of LaVey' would not be easily
seen just by observing those who were or have at one time been
members of the Church of Satan, primarily because this church is
easy to get into (fill out a simple form, send the $, then steer
clear of the admin's clique-dar).
# First, I recommend a democracy instead of a monarchy.
are LaVeyans advocating monarchy with some of their people in
charge? no doubt. there's a 'Social Darwinist' fetish bandied.
# Second, I suggest reading Robert's Rules of
# Order that was established by a guy in the military.
LOL! good suggestion. instead of a democracy why not anarchism?
# Finally, we need new books on Satanism.
agreed. how will you determine that it is Satanism? what if
it doesn't conform with what LaVey's CoSatanism preaches?
will it demonstrate itself corrupt and false?
# There are many gifted and talented members of your groups who
# could develop new and maybe better books on the topics.
quite so.
# So how do you do it? E.g. the Church of Satan should have a book
# endorsement program.
there is something of this sort in 'Recommended Reading' in
such documents as HPaulis' CoS FAQ. the ToS had very wonderful
book reviews from MAquino's particularly-slanted perspective;
well worth examination.
# They should have some type of stamp on the
# Author's book that shows the public that the members of the Church of
# Satan, for example, have read and approved the book as legitimate
# Church of Satan literature.
oh in terms of CoSatanic literature, that's usually published by
Hell's Kitchen or some Talonoid house. you can pretty much boil
it down to books by LaVey and family (incl. Barton/kids).
# Wouldn't be cool to see Karla, Blanch, and everyone else band together
# to kick ass in 2004 and beyond. Fuck money and politics! We are being
# filtered out of society by weak minded zombies of Jesus and JC Pennys!
LOL! please point to where this 'filtration out of society' is happening.
# Maybe this is all a stupid idea, but Levay's ideas aren't dead to me.
they seem very important to a good many cultists.
# Anyway, who gives a shit if he lied about his past? PERFECT! If that
# is what got him to the top then GREAT! Why have you nitpicking idiots
# disected him to death? Didn't his ideas influence you in the first
# place? That is what matters... Why not replace that nitpicking energy
# with being a SATANIST?
generally the issue is hypocrisy and measurement of the man with what the
man expresses as worthy ideals. if he doesn't live by them himself, then
his hypocrisy doesn't help his catcalls against hypocrisy/stupidity much.
# I am tired of Christian bullies!
there's also sufficient Satanist bullies to go around. didn't you hear
all the horror stories from Tani&Co about slander and slams and online
bullying and internal CoS-bullying? doesn't the Bogey do bullying too?
# Satanism proves how intolerant
# Christians or Conservative Cows become when confronted with someone
# exercising their religous freedom to say, "I love Satan!!" or freedom
# to think for themselves and reject the myth of christ.
when 'Satan' appears to be the anti-God it is also evident how stupid
this love for Satan can seem.
# If there is "Freedom of Religion" then why can't I say, "I love the
# Devil" without being attacked and bullied by white light religious
# followers.
'freedom of religion' only applies within certain states or
jurisdictions. it doesn't guarantee that you will not be
protested or that you won't hear complaints about your religion,
only that you may practice it in the privacy of your own temple,
home, or bathroom, without unnecessary interruptions by detractors.
# Why can't I go around with a pentagram around my neck
# without being afraid of some God loving, jock, fascist, bully kicking
# my ass?
your fear is your own problem. perhaps you should consider the
context in which you are living and ask yourself why you have
this fear.
# Yeah, you know how they are all such "Good Boys" and "Right"
# like us who "Ain't Right". Satanism shows the intolerance of this
so to do the Bad Religion shows up the falsity of this supposed
toleration of religious diversity, inclusive tolerance.
# I am not a terrorist because I wear a pentagram!
witches say the same.
# Christianity is a weak minded bully's fascism! ....
more ignorance spewed about religion mixing in politics.
# Tons of Preachers on
# T.V., but how many Sunday Buddhist, Islam, Wiccan, or any other
# religous programs.
probably in some measure depends on
* whether you get Cable TV
* whether TV is important to you
* where you are viewing your mind-numbing programming
# Fuck religion anyway.
that is the general attitude which Satanists give out, yes.
# It is a control device for weak people who need control.
does this mean that some Satanists need this control too?
# Don't curse around me because I am Christian....
speak for yourself and get off your anti-Christian bashing.
# ...I say separation of church and state or move to Iraq!
not everyone lives in your hallowed USA.
blessed beast!
boboroshi at-sign Satanic Outreach Director
Church of Euthanasia:
Ninth Scholar's Library (Satanism Archive):